
Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)

Our vision is to be recognized as a leader in diversity. We believe that to be truly diverse we must be an inclusive organization – one that mirrors the societies in which we work.

Diversity is about everything that makes us unique as individuals – anything that makes me different from you. We thrive through embracing our differences including our different social backgrounds, ethnicities, disabilities, genders, ages, religions and sexualities.

If people are very similar their views tend to be the same. Diversity opens a rich potential for new ways of thinking, helping us to build successful and winning teams.

In Skanska we define an inclusive culture as a culture where people are open, fair, show trust and respect each other. In an inclusive organization everyone can contribute to their fullest potential. It is a work culture that seeks sharing of experiences and perspectives and that is respectful of differences.

Diversity supports our value of Be Better - Together

We are striving to reflect society's increasing diversity at all levels of Skanska Romania's organization, and to have leaders who are excellent at fostering an inclusive culture that helps each person reach their full potential.

Having a workforce with people of varied genders, ethnicities, ages and backgrounds coupled with an inclusive culture supports our Be Better – Together value, and it enables us to deliver the best solutions to our customers.

How we work with Diversity & Inclusion

In Skanska Romania we work intensely with diversity and inclusion through local goals and activities.

We have conducted an analysis using a framework based on the global diversity strategy which focuses on:

  • Attract and recruit from a large and diverse pool of talent
  • Secure an inclusive workplace
  • Develop and promote a diverse pool of talent
  • Leverage Diversity & Inclusion in the marketplace in partnership with customers, suppliers and communities
  • Management awareness, skills and commitment.

Performance in Diversity & Inclusion

Since the launch of our Diversity & Inclusion Vision, this area has been integrated in the Business Plan, our Skanska Values and our Skanska Sustainability Agenda and we designed tools like employee's surveys and Diversity & Inclusion Road Map, which help us track our clear activities and monitor our performance in this area.

In addition, Diversity & Inclusion has become a way to connect with customers and suppliers.

Last updated: 12/4/2017